Using Custom KML Geomaps

Visualizer supports custom geomaps. For cases where the built-in geomaps do not provide the geography you need, use a custom map. Custom geomaps are supported using the Keyhole Markup Language (KML) format.


Before creating a geomap with a custom map file:

  • Create or obtain a map in KML format that corresponds to the data in the relevant attribute. For example, since there is no standard definition for United States regions, the built-in maps do not support a United States Region attribute, and therefore a custom KML file is needed.
  • The KML file size must be 20MB or less.
  • Visualizer requires that the KML files have the following structure:


To add a custom map

  1. Create a report of type geomap and add a measure and attribute. For example, Quantity by Region.
    Tip: If there is no map associated with the attribute, Visualizer displays a warning message. This message will go away once you upload the KML file and associate the custom map with the attribute.

  2. Click Map Formatting.
  3. Click Custom Maps.
  4. Click Upload Custom Map.
  5. Navigate to the KML file and click Open. Visualizer uploads the map file and adds it to the Custom Maps list.

  6. Click Done.

To apply a custom map to a geomap

  1. Select the attribute in Chart Builder and see its properties.
  2. Click Maps.
  3. Assign the custom map to the attribute.

    The geomap updates, for example with Quantity measure and the Region attribute using the new US Regions geomap.