Creating Custom Groups

You can use Custom Groups to combine products into higher level categories when working with a field that contains thousands of products. For example, you may want to combine produce items from a long list of products your supermarket offers into a produce category, then further group these produce items into sub-categories such as berries, melons, root vegetables, greens, fresh spices and so on.

This can also be handy if you find you have data inconsistencies that you want to clean up by grouping data. For example, you may have campaign data that contain inconsistent territories or region classifications such as CA, Cali, Calif, California. You can use dynamic groups to place all these variation in the same category for California.

Even items that are not part of a specified group can be added to a generic "Others" group. For example, States other than California would be deposited in the Others folder until you created new state categories to capture that data for various State groups.

Note: To use custom groups, your users must be part of a group that has the “Modify Saved Expression” ACL enabled. You can set this ACL from the Admin module Manage Access > Manage Groups page and select the Modify Saved Expressions checkbox. For more information on copying Custom Groups, see the copySpace section of the Administrative Commands page.

To create a custom group, select the Custom Group option from the Advanced Tools menu as follows:

You then provide a new name for your custom group and select the desired attributes to add to that custom group. Any left over attributes not added to a custom group will by default be adding to the "Other" custom group.

Animated version of custom group creation: