Ratio Expression Column Type in Classic Designer

To calculate true totals at the group or summary level in a report for a measure expression column that comprises a ratio of two expressions, Classic Designer provides the Ratio expression type option in the Designer Column Properties dialog box.

Important: Sorting, filtering, and conditional formatting is not supported on expression columns of type Ratio.

Use the expression type Ratio option to ensure correct totals for a ratio-type custom expression in a report with the following conditions:

  • Uses the report Sum function
  • The custom expression is placed in a Group or a Summary band in Designer
  • Pivot totals on the custom expression

A common use for the Ratio expression type is for calculating true averages instead of average of averages when using the Avg version of a base measure. For true averages at a group or summary level in a report, use the Ratio expression type and the Sum and Count versions of the base measure as the Numerator and Denominator, respectively.

For example, to calculate the average revenue per order using two base measure columns, sum of revenue and count of orders, select the expression type Ratio and enter the two base measure expressions as a Numerator and a Denominator expression:

Numerator: [OrderDate: Sum: Revenue]

Denominator: [OrderDate: Count: Orders]

See Also
Defining Expressions
Expressions Reference