Infor Birst 2022.06 Resolved Issues

This update provides your organization with a list of resolved issues for the Birst 2022.06.0X release.

Module/ Area

Description of resolution

Admin Corrected an issue where color and styles of drop-down arrow menu arrows were inconsistent in panels that display when creating or editing application workflows in Admin Orchestration.
Admin Corrected an Issue in Admin Space Management, where the Space Management drop-down menu in the navigation bar displays options not in alphabetical order.
Dashboards Corrected an issue that occurred when users attempted to click a drill path hyperlink configured for a tabular report of a dashboard, the hyperlink did not work. The hyperlink did not work only in cases where the dashboard report was configured with a Drill Across to another dashboard.
Dashboards Corrected an issue that occurred when a user applied a Date filter of Between to a report on a Dashboard where the Date filter incorrectly changed to Outside when the user exported the Dashboard to PDF.
Dashboards Corrected an issue that prevented users from using the Data Driven Dashboard Conditions feature, causing KPIs and objects to not display correctly.
Dashboards Corrected an issue that caused customers to see other customer's dashlet names or dashlets from other spaces in their Usage Tracking Space.
Dashboards Added a new loading spinner icon to indicate when the Data-Driven Dashboard conditions are being loaded, correcting an issue that prevented users from creating new data-driven conditions.
KPI Builder Corrected an issue that occurred when editing an existing KPI where the user interface indicator did not display the name of the expression being used. Additionally, the application did not display the settings being used for the values and color indicators.
Logging Corrected an issue that caused any Unsuccessful Report Package logging to not occur. Now, log messages are written to Splunk for improved troubleshooting.
Modeler Corrected an issue that occurs when users access a source's properties in Modeler Relate, enable Convert to Discovery Source for the source, and select View Lineage for the source. In Lineage view, no icon for the source displayed. Additionally, Birst could timeout while loading View Lineage Data.
Modeler Corrected an issue that occurs when users click a source in Modeler Relate, selects View Lineage for the source, and then uses the Search Sources field at the top of the page to find sources while in Lineage view. Search Sources field returned no search results.
Modeler Corrected an issue that occurred when users performed the following: created a scripted source from an existing source in Modeler Prepare, accessed the existing source's properties in Modeler Relate, and then enabled Convert to Discovery Source for the existing source. The source's icon in the main screen displays in the wrong color (i.e., green instead of blue). Additionally, Birst may timeout when a user clicks the existing source and selects View Lineage.
Modeler Corrected an issue where the View Lineage option for a source in Modeler Relate was disable in the default Source view, but enabled in Data Flow view (or the opposite was true). The View Lineage option of a source should be enabled or disabled in both views depending on configurations.
Modeler Corrected an issue in Modeler Relate, where scripted sources in Lineage view displays in the wrong color (i.e., green instead of dark green) and the legend at the bottom of the page displays "ADR Raw" instead of "ADR Scripted".
Modeler Corrected an issue that occurred when users selected a Live Access source in Modeler Relate and used the Rename Source action to rename the source, the name of the source icon did not automatically update. Instead, a user must refresh Birst.
Modeler Corrected an issue that occurred when users connected Birst to an Amazon S3 storage service using Amazon S3 connector in Modeler Connect and attempted to extract files from Amazon S3 into Birst. Prior to this fix, if the extraction process failed, it did not cleanup any files that may have been extracted to the temp directory prior to failure. Birst now deletes files after an extraction failure.
Modeler Corrected an issue where deleting a space's previously published history in Modeler Relate incorrectly reset the space's Test Mode in Space Properties to disabled. This occurred when users published data in Modeler Prepare while Test Mode was enabled in Space Properties of Admin Space Management. Now, Space Properties are reloaded instead of cached when a space's published history is deleted.
Modeler Corrected an issue that caused inconsistencies between the options available in the Actions menu and the Context menu for data lineage.
Modeler Corrected an issue that occurred when a user closes the Data Lineage view where the Sources wheel did not display correctly (was not centered on the screen) in the browser window.
Modeler Corrected an issue that occurred after a user copied and duplicated a space from Modeler where the shared Live Access connections were not displayed in Connect, even though the sources displayed.
Orchestration Corrected a style color issue that caused the Select a task type and the Select Connection list fields to display different arrows and arrow colors.
Space Management

Corrected an issue that prevented users from deleting space groups that contained special characters (for example, / \) in the space group name.

Subject Area Corrected an issue where measure columns and their associated attributes did not display when users renamed folders in CSA files.
Subject Area Correct an elastic search issue that prevented users from creating a folder in a Custom Search Area.
Subject Area Corrected an issue where the subject areas from a parent space were not available in a child space of that parent space when the child space was connected using the package connection method.
Subject Area Corrected an issue that occurred when a user added certain measures to Visualizer or to a new dashboard KPI where an error saying that a query or expression contained an unknown column was displayed.
Subject Area Corrected an issue where the application incorrectly displayed duplicate custom group entries in the returned search results when a user searched for custom group names in Visualizer.
Subject Area Corrected issues that prevented some Subject Areas from displaying in Admin > Space ManagementSubject Area or in Visualizer on the MRC and App2102 Birst environments.
Subject Area Corrected an issue that occurred when avatar endpoints were used to modify space groups where space groups continued to be associated with a Custom Subject Area even after the space group was deleted. This problem also caused space groups to be linked to their space group name from the last resync even though the space group had been renamed since.
Subject Area Corrected an issue that occurred when a user added a group to a newly created Custom Subject Area, set that CSA as the Default Subject Area, and then back to just the CSA where the application did not retain the added group.
User Interface Corrected an issue where the application displayed the incorrect title of the color palette panel when a user tried to edit the colors for a report.
Visualizer Corrected an issue that prevented table-based reports Visualizer from being exported to an Excel spreadsheet. Prior to the fix, if a table report contained columns of attributes broken into sections using the Break By action, and the columns were filtered so no data was returned, exporting the report to excel would fail.

Corrected these issues with the Create Custom Group advanced tool option in Visualizer:

  • Updated the Info icon to be consistent with the other tool options.

  • Corrected the description of the Create Custom Group option that displays when a user rests their cursor on the Info icon.

  • Fixed the typo that displayed in the description.

Visualizer Corrected an issue that prevented the Data Buckets folder from displaying in Subject Area from Visualizer.
Visualizer Corrected an issue that prevented report expressions from being edited or removed in the Report Expressions folder in Visualizer when the Use Subject Area Search was disabled.
Visualizer Corrected an issue that occurred when a user created a Visualizer report with an attribute, measure, a saved expression, and the percentile & make decimal precision set in data formatting, and then exported the report to Excel where the percentile & make decimal precision attribute field was not exported. Now, the exported Excel spreadsheet contains the same formatting conditions as the report in the user interface.