Create a Prepared Source from a Network

In Professional spaces, users can create prepared sources from sources imported through a package or network.

Note: If you are sharing a scripted source through a package, you will also need to share all sources used to create the scripted source. Tip: You can hide these sources in your package so that the required dependencies are present on the package, but are not exposed to the consuming spaces.

  1. You must first be connected to the package. From Connect, click the ... more icon.
  2. Select Networks.

  3. Find the package or network and click the Connect icon.

  4. After connecting to the package, navigate to Prepare.
  5. Locate your imported source.
  6. Create your prepared source. You can do this by clicking the + Create New Prepared Source icon on the imported source or by dragging and dropping the imported source from the left menu to the center pane.

  7. Name your new prepared source and Save.

  8. After your prepared source is saved, you can add transformations. For example, you might want to merge your Prep Employee source with your Employee Territory source. You could do this by using the Merge Tables Transform.