Adoption of SendGrid email delivery service​

Birst now uses SendGrid to securely send Birst email notifications. SendGrid email notifications have a maximum size limit of 20MB. You must adjust the notifications that are more than 20MB to fit the new size limit so that you can continue to receive those reports. Any emails that are over 20MB will be bounced back by the server.

Administrators can set the maximum size allowed under 20MB for email attachments (in bytes) for their account. For example, the official limit is 20MB but admins can set the limit for their company to 15MB. This allows the email author and recipients of the email can be notified when the size is above the limit defined by your company's policy.

Note: If no size limit is set by an administrator, Birst uses the default size limit of 20MB.

Admins can use these Administrative Commands to identify your account's maximum limit and to set the maximum limit:

  • getmaxmessagesize returns what the account limit is currently set at.

  • setmaxmessagesize nnnn where nnnn is the size limit in bytes, sets the maximum attachment size for an email. For example, setmaxmessagesize 1000 sets the email limit in bytes.

You can see how to bulk export data from Infor Birst or use Web Services to send larger notifications.