Setting the Primary Key

Defining the primary key for a data source identifies the keys that make a data set unique. By default, Infor sets a primary key for a data source. You can check the key and change it if needed.

Important: Use primary keys if you do not want to specify hierarchies and grains. If you have created hierarchies and grains using the Hierarchies page and Manage Sources page, you should not use this feature in Data Flow.

See Creating a Data Model.

To set the primary key for a data source

1. Go to Admin - Define Sources - Data Flow.
2. Right-click on a data source and select Set Primary Key. The Set Primary Key dialog opens. 

3. Select one or more columns to use as the primary key of this source.
4. The Hierarchy Name and Level Name are automatically populated based on the name of the source. You can enter a different hierarchy name and level name if desired.    

Important: If you have set up hierarchies using the Hierarchies tab, do not change the Hierarchy Name and Level Name here; make all changes from the Hierarchies tab. If you use the Set Primary Key dialog to change hierarchy names or level names, do not use the Hierarchies tab to make changes to hierarchies.
5. Click OK.

See Also
Creating a Data Model
Creating Hierarchies
Setting up Joins