Overriding Level Keys

You can join a dimension table to a fact table based on something other than the level key columns for a specific source. This feature overrides joins between a given dimension level and fact tables. For example, if a given level has a composite level key defined as column1+column2, the user-ready data store will be loaded with the composite level key configuration. But after the data store is loaded, while joining the dimension level with that fact, if you only want to use column1, you would define the override level key as just column1.

You can only override a hierarchy level’s keys by using a subset of that level’s keys.

You must belong to a group that has the AdvancedAdmin permission to access this feature.

To override level keys

1. Go to Admin - Define Sources - Manage Sources.
2. Select a data source then click the Grain tab.
3. Click on a hierarchy level. The Override Level Key Columns checkbox becomes active, enabling you to check it.
4. Click the Override Level Key Columns checkbox, then click the Specify Override Level Key Columns button (which is now active). The Set Override Keys dialog box displays.

5. Select the columns to use for the level key then click OK.
6. Click Save.

See Also
Defining the Grain of a Data Source
Creating Hierarchies