Searching the Report Catalog

Space Administrators can search for reports, columns, expressions, and dimensions across all reports in the Report Catalog and download a text file of the search results. You can replace column names, expression values, and dimension names across the entire catalog.  

To search the report catalog

1. Go to Admin - Manage Access - Search Report Catalog.
2. To see a list of all of the columns used in all of the reports in the catalog, click the Search button without entering information into any fields. Every column in all the reports in the catalog will be listed in the bottom half of the page.

Tip: A report name will appear multiple times, once for every column in the report, since every column in the report is listed in the table.

To search reports in the space based on specific criteria, do one or a combination of the following:

Type a string in the Report Name field to search on a report name.

Type a string in the Column or Expression field to search for columns and expressions.

Type a string in the Report Path field to search for reports in specific directories.

Type a string in the Dimension Name field to search for dimension names in reports.

Type a string in the Column Label field to search for column labels in reports.

3. Select either Shared or Private for Report Type to indicate whether to search reports in the Shared directory or Private directory.
4. Click the Search button. The reports meeting the search criteria will be listed in the table.
5. Optionally, click on the name of a Designer report to open the report in Designer in a new browser tab.
6. Optionally, click the Download to Delimited File link at the bottom of the page to save the results to a .txt file.

To replace in the report catalog

7. Search the report catalog using the value that you want to replace in the Column or Expression field, Dimension Name field, or Column Label field in the Search section.

Note: You can search using the other fields as well, but cannot perform a replace based on them.
8. In the search results, select the reports for which to perform the replacement by checking the Select box. Click Check All to check all boxes.
9. In the Replace section in the upper right, type the column or expression, dimension name, or column label value with which to replace the search value.

Tip: The replace is case-sensitive.
10. Click the Replace button. You will receive a confirmation message indicating the number of reports that have been modified.

Tip: To undo the replacement, click Undo. The Undo button only undoes the last change committed.

See Also
Managing Files in the Report Catalog
Modifying Folder Permissions in the Report Catalog