Aligning Layout Elements in Classic Designer

When laying out a report in the Layout tab in Classic Designer, you can align multiple elements to make the layout look consistent.

To align layout elements in a report

1. In the Layout tab of Classic Designer, select the elements to align by Ctrl-clicking each element or dragging a box around the elements.
2. Click the Options menu, then click Align then select the type of alignment you would like to apply:

Select Top to align the elements vertically to the top-most selected element.

Select Bottom to align the elements vertically to the bottom-most selected element.

Select Left to align the elements horizontally to the left-most selected element.

Select Right to align the elements horizontally to the right-most selected element.

3. Click the Results tab to see the changes to the report.
4. Click Report - Save.

See Also
Lining up Layout Elements
Moving Elements in the Layout Tab