Manage Subject Areas

Note: You can view the Known Issues section of the Release Notes to see more information on the known issues for Subject Area as of 7.9.

Subject Areas control which measures and attributes a user has access to when viewing or creating reports.

The Default Subject Area contains all the attributes and measures available in a space.

Space Administrators can create subject areas and assign the subject areas to space groups. Subject areas simplify how measures and attributes are presented for convenience when creating reports. It can be used along with Column Level Security to limit what users are able to view. For more information, see Column Level Security.

As a Space Administrator, you can create your own folders and element groupings and rename element labels to provide more user-friendly browsing in Designer and Visualizer.

All the available subject areas are automatically listed in the Subject Areas section when you select a measure in the KPI Builder.

When a user adds an attribute or measure to a report, the subject area updates to show which of the remaining attributes or measures are relevant to the selected item and grays out those that are not.

Important: Subject Area Search is controlled by a new account-level flag, Subject Area Search, and is enabled by default. If you want to revert to the old subject area, work with your CSM to disable the Subject Area Search account-level flag.

Note: When the Subject Area Search flag is enabled, the order of the custom subject areas (CSAs) in the Subject Area list is the Default Subject Area at the top followed by all the other CSAs in alphabetical order.

Note: Use Subject Area Cache V2 can not be enabled if the Subject Area Search is also enabled.