Adding a Hyperlink to a Designer Report Element

You can add a hyperlink to any element in a Classic Designer report (such as a label, column, image or chart). Adding a hyperlink to a report gives dashboard users the ability to navigate to internet or intranet sites.

To add a hyperlink to a report element

  1. Open the report you want to work with in Classic Designer.
  2. Click the Layout tab to work in layout mode.
  3. Select the element to apply the hyperlink to then click the Options menu at the top and select Hyperlink. The Hyperlink dialog box opens.
  4. Enter a URL enclosed in single-quotes in the Expression box, for example: ''. The URL must begin with http.
    To pass an argument to the URL, add a plus sign and the logical expression. For example:
  5. Check the Open in Same Browser Tab box if you want the new page to open in the same browser tab. If the box is not checked, the new page will open in  a new browser tab or window depending on the browser.
  6. Click Save in the dialog box. You will see a new hyperlink element in the layout view.
  7. Click the Results tab. The element now contains a working hyperlink.
  8. Click Report - Save.

See Also
About Drilling
Expressions Reference
Adding a Button to a Report
Adding a Rectangle to a Report
Adding an Image to a Report