Infor Birst 2022.04 Release Notes

Birst Connect

  • Birst is planning to upgrade from Java 8 to Java 11 during the 2022.06 release. With this change, users will not be able to launch Birst Connect 1 through Java Web Start. Birst Connect 1 and Birst Connect 2 will need Java11 to run smoothly starting with the 2022.06 release. Note: Users can still connect to Birst Connect 1 using the command line where there is no loss of functionality. See Running Birst Connect from the Command Line for more information.

    Important: Users must point both Birst Connect 1 and Birst Connect 2 to Java 11 and use Amazon Corretto 11.x or greater for Java 11.

  • Upgraded log4j to version 2.17.1 for Birst Connect 1 to be consistent with the rest of the application.


  • All logs, such as copy space logs, can now be found on the Load Logs retrieval page instead of just the processing logs only.

  • Logs are now kept for the last 100 loads or the last 90 days, whichever is higher. This allows admin and support to download logs over a longer period of time.


  • Updated the third party library xstream to the most recent version (1.4.19) to stay up to date and to prevent any potential security vulnerabilities.

Subject Area

  • Completed updates to getMeasureColumns in the, improving performance.

  • Updated the application to automatically display a notification whenever Birst is performing a resync in the background. When the resync is complete, another notification displays informing the user the resync was successful. Previously, Birst automatically resynced data of subject areas whenever users accessed features that used attributes and measures from the subject area's data model (e.g., Visualizer, Designer, Admin Space Management). This processed ran without user intervention or notification and could take 1 to 2 minutes depending amount of data rendering in a feature's space. During this background process, it could appear that Birst has timeout or stopped working.

User Interface

  • Added the ability for users to configure and set a minimum font size for display labels in themes so that font size cannot become smaller than that value. Previously, the application would automatically reduce the font size when customers changed the size of the dashlet. Now, if the value font size set in Visualizer is too large to display in a dashlet, Birst uses the Minimum Display Value Font Size for displayed values.