Applying Themes to Dashboards

Themes are used to present a consistent look-and-feel across dashboards. Birst provides a default theme that you can copy and update to your own standards.

Theme Design Suggestions

Themes are stored at the account level. You can share themes across users and spaces in the same account. You set colors and fonts for various dashboard elements at different levels.

Each Visualizer chart has a palette setting for its graphic elements such as lines and points. See Formatting Visualizer Charts.

When you bring charts together on a dashboard, set the overall theme as described in this topic.

Each dashlet has color properties that can override the theme properties. See Creating Dashboards 2.0.

Here are a few basic tips for working with themes:

Obtain the hex color values of your corporate color standards for use in themes.

Apply a neutral color to backgrounds so that the color does not detract from the charts.

Avoid areas of "loud" colors that distract from the information you want to highlight in reports.

Choose colors that match the selected color palette in Visualizer. See Color Reference and Formatting Visualizer Charts.

Example Theme, Dashlet, and Palette Colors

Access Themes Menu

1. From Dashboards 2.0, click the Home menu icon.
2. From the Home menu, click Themes.
3. The Themes menu lists all the themes that are already saved in the account.


The colors of the Home button and horizontal header are from the applied theme.

When you develop your dashboards, the colors of the Home menu (left navigation) and the Themes menu are from Birst and cannot be changed.

Create New Theme

  1. From the Themes menu, click + Add New Theme.

  2. Enter your theme name. The name must be unique.

  3. Themes are defined by four sidebar menus: General, All, Header, and Filter Cards.
  4. From General, enable or disable color palettes, set the dashboard background color, and the font style of the dashboard collection and dashboard name.

    1. Enable or disable Custom Color Palettes.
      • When disabled, the Visualizer reports in the dashboard use the palettes assigned in Visualizer.
      • When enabled, the Visualizer reports in the dashboard use this same palette or palettes. To add another palette, click + Add New Palette.To modify a palette, click the arrow next to the Palette indicator to open the Palette list and select a palette. For information on creating new palettes, see Creating Color Palettes for Attributes.
        Tip: Use multiple palettes when a Visualizer report has multiple measures and the measures are set to use one palette per measure. If there is only one measure per Visualizer report, or if multiple measures are not set to each use a different palette, then you do not need to have multiple palettes.
    2. Use consistent coloring uses the same color for an attribute consistently across different charts in the dashboard.
    3. Dashboard Canvas sets the font color, family, and size of the dashboard collection and dashboard name, along with the background color for the dashboard. When selecting a theme color, either click a color box and use the color picker to select colors or enter the hex value.
      • Background Color sets the background color of the dashboard canvas.
      • Font Color sets the font color of the dashboard title.
      • Font Family sets the font family for the dashboard title.
      • Font Size sets the font size for the dashboard title.
      • Minimum Display Value Font Size sets the minimum font size to be used if the current font size is too large to display in a dashlet. Note:If the value font size set in Visualizer is too large to display in a dashlet, Birst uses the Minimum Display Value Font Size for displayed values.
  5. From All, set the dashlet's font color, size, family, and background, and border colors.

    1. Dashlet Title sets the font color, family, alignment, and size for the dashlet's title.
    2. Dashlet Body sets the color of the dashlet's background, border, and font along with border thickness, border radius, and padding.
  6. From Header, set the background, border, and font color for the header and the header in edit mode.
    1. Header sets the color for the background, border, and icon and font color.
    2. Header (Edit Mode) sets the color for the header to visually signal when the dashboard is in edit mode.
  7. From Filter Cards, set the color for the filter background and border color along with the font color, family, and size.

    1. Filter Cards sets the background and border color for the filter card along with the font size, color, and family.
    2. Filter Cards (Active) sets the background and border color for the active filter card along with the font size, color, and family.
4. Click Save Theme when done.