Filtering a Report in Classic Designer

Filter a report in Classic Designer by clicking on the blue underlined text in a table or by clicking on a chart segment.

Another way to filter is by dragging a capture rectangle around the attribute values in a table or chart. This is called visual filtering.

Important: Visual filtering is not supported for tree maps, pyramids, funnels, geo maps, gauges and radar charts.

To filter data in a report in Designer

1. Open the report you want to work with in Designer.
2. Do one of the following:

Click on a hyperlink in the table or on a segment in the chart.

If drill maps have been set up by your Space Administrator, you can right-click on a hyperlink in the table to select the column to drill to as in the example below.

Drag a capture rectangle around the attribute values in a table or chart by clicking and holding down the mouse button and dragging across the desired region as in the examples below.

3. The table or chart is filtered based on your selection; only the values you selected will be displayed. The prompt summary at the top will tell you what filters have been applied. For example: CategoryName = Dairy Products.
4. To remove a filter, click on the prompt summary. Select the desired filter in the dialog box, then click Delete. Click Save when you are finished.

Tip: If hashmarks appear when you click on a chart segment, they indicate that you cannot drill any further.

See Also
Defining Filters
Filtering the Reports on a Dashboard Page