Managing attachments

You can manage attachments that are part of your application.

To manage attachments:

  1. To navigate to the predefined dashboard: select Dashboards > Global Settings > Attachments.
  2. To import an attachment:
    1. Click the import icon.
    2. Browse the attachment file with the .attachments extension.
    3. Select the option to choose when importing the attachments if an attachment with the same name already exists.
  3. To export an attachment:
    1. Click the export icon.
    2. Select the export mode.
      Attachment links and attachment files are exported.
      Attachment links
      Only attachment links are exported. When imported, the same attachments must exist in the storage at the same locations otherwise the links will not work.
      If you want to export filtered attachments only, use the filter functionality and select the Export filtered attachments only option.
    3. Select to Save the file and click OK.
  4. To replace an attachment, click the replace icon.
  5. To download an attachment, click the download icon.
  6. To delete the attachment file, click the delete icon.
    To delete more attachments at once, select the attachments and click the delete icon.