Creating confirmed shipments
To create confirmed shipments:
- Click the Confirmed Shipments tab.
- Click Create.
Specify this information:
- Packing Slip Date
- Specify the packing slip date of the confirmed shipment. Select a date from the calendar.
- Packing Slip Number
- Specify the packing slip number of the confirmed shipment.
- Shipment Quantity
- Specify the shipped quantity that is confirmed by the customer.
- To edit a confirmed shipment line, click the field entries of the Packing Slip Date, the Packing Slip Number, and the Shipment Quantity columns.
To delete a confirmed shipment, select the confirmed shipment line
and click
Note: The packing slip date, the shipment quantity, and the last packing slip number are automatically saved to the corresponding fields of the CUM Information field set. The field information is stored when you save the single plan.