

Defines settings for the import of the HTS Commodity Codes:

  • Chapters: Defines the chapters that are imported when importing the HTS Commodity Codes. We recommend that you specify the commodity chapters required for your business processes. Importing all chapters results in a large CommodityCodes code list that can cause performance problems of the application.
  • Max No of Error Lines: Defines the maximum of error lines.
  • Accounting Entities: Defines a comma-separated list of accounting entities.


This code list includes the customer definitions.

Note: Settings on customer level overwrite the settings that are configured in the TradingPartners code list for the same property values.

You can edit these property values:

  • Time Zone: If there are several customers using the same trading partner, then you can specify a time zone. Time zones are defined in the TimeZones code list. This list contains all available time zones. The TimeZonesOwn code list contains the user-specific time zones. Time zones are used with transformation style sheets for the mapping of EDI messages.
  • Language Code: Specify the language in which to print the documents.
  • Language Code for Export-Related Documents: Specify the language in which to print the export-related documents.
  • Trading Partner: This field contains the trading partner ID. The trading partners are maintained as master data codes.
  • Third Party Freight: This field contains a third-party entity to which third-party freight charges can be assigned. The ThirdPartyFreight code list includes the list of defined third-party entities.
  • Pool Point: This field contains the pool point of the customer. A pool point has parameters that are used to build a master shipment in Shipping, a pool point address, a DUNS Number and a Tax ID. The PoolPoints code list includes the list of defined pool points.
  • Workflow Name: This field contains the name of the workflow. A workflow summarizes tasks that are assigned to groups of customers. With the Automotive workflow, for example, CarrierRoute and Shipment BODs trigger the creation of a shipper. The Automotive workflow uses these tasks:
    • Print Transport Handling Unit Labels
    • Print Labels
    • Print Packing List Labels
    • Print Packing List
    • Print Waybill
    • Print EDI Waybill
    • Print Packing Slip
    • Print Movement Certificate
    • Publish ASN
    • Compliance Check
    • Non-Compliance Blocker
    • Print Quick Receive Labels
  • Country of Origin: Select the check box to print the country of origin on the packing slip.
  • Person in Charge: This field indicates the person at the supplier's location who is responsible for the shipper.
  • Customer's Person in Charge: This field indicates the person at the customer's location who is responsible for the shipper.
  • Container Aggregation Mode: This field shows how containers are aggregated for label printing.
    Note: A master container is a container on the floor level, level 1, that contains sub containers, for example, a pallet. A master container does not contain shipped goods.
    • No Aggregation: No aggregation is performed.
    • Aggregate Master: Each container with the Master role is aggregated to a Single role container. All items in inner containers are assigned to the Single role container. All inner containers are set to auxiliary containers.
    • Aggregate Single Pallet as Master: Each container with the Single role and packaging type Pallet that is not contained in any outer container is set to the Master role.
  • Pattern for Formatting Customer Container Type: Controls the business process of the BMW Container Management in Shipping. The field is used to calculate the number of layers in the container structure. The resulting value is attached as a two-digit number to the customer container ID. The calculation is only performed, if the option No. of Layers to Add is selected from the drop-down list Pattern for Formatting Customer Container Type in the Customers or TradingPartners code list. The field references the entries of the code list CustomerContainerTypePatterns. See "Configuring layer calculation".
  • Master Label Type: This label type is used on a transport handling unit that include inner packaging containing the same item. Normally, it provides information about the transport handling unit and the contained item.
  • Mixed Label Type: This label type is used on transport handling units that include inner packaging of different items. Normally, it provides information about the transport handling unit, the supplier and the receiver. Sometimes, it provides a list of the contained items. This is especially the case when the label is a Global Transport Label (GTL) that uses this information in form of a 2D barcode.
  • Single Label Type: Generally, this label type is used for a stand-alone inner packaging, which only contains one kind of item. It identifies the container and the item that is contained. According to VDA 4902, this label can also be used for containers for which no label is printed for the inner packaging.
  • Waybill Type: A waybill is a transport document that confirms a contract between a carrier and a transport buyer for the transport of goods. Types of waybills are, for example, air waybill, CMR waybill, or rail shipment note. You use the WaybillTypes code list to maintain waybill types.
  • EDI Waybill Type: An EDI waybill according to VDA 4912 is a waybill sent through EDI together with an ASN. It contains a summary of the ASN contents.
  • Packing List Type: A list of contents of one or more containers, potentially independent of packing slip numbers.
  • Packing Slip Type: A packing slip is a document created by shipping personnel that accompanies a shipment and lists the contents of the shipment. You use the PackingSlipTypes code list to maintain packing slip types.
  • Minimum Status for Packing Slip Task Processing: The minimum status that is required in Shipping to print the packing slip. The table shows the available statuses.
    Note: The statuses are taken from the TaskProcessingForStatus code list.
    Status Description
    Complete Shipper For this shipper, the SyncCarrierRoute BOD has been processed. It has the Complete or the Processed status. All the included shipments have the Shipped status.
    Printable Shipper For this shipper, the SyncCarrierRoute BOD, SyncShipment BOD, and an optional SyncInvoice BOD have been processed. All of the shipments of the shipper have the Printable status. This status also allows shippers with the status of Complete to be processed.
    Invoice For this shipper, the SyncCarrierRoute BOD has been processed. It has the Complete or the Processed status. The Priced status of the shipper is Priced via Invoice.
    No Printing Mode The task cannot be processed.
    Proforma Invoice For this shipper, the SyncCarrierRoute BOD has been processed. It has the Complete or the Processed status. The Priced status of the shipper is Priced via Proforma Invoice, Mixed Pricing or Priced via Invoice.
    Released Shipment All the shipments of the pro forma shipper or shipper that are currently available have at least the Released status.
    Shipped Shipment All the shipments of the pro forma shipper or shipper that are currently available have at least the Shipped status.
    Staged Shipment All the shipments of the pro forma shipper or shipper that are currently available have at least the Staged status.
  • ASN Type: Specify the type of Advanced Ship Notice (ASN). An ASN is an EDI formatted electronic notification of pending deliveries, an electronic packing list. The purpose of the ASN is to inform the recipient that the shipment is in transit.
    • No ASN Type
    • Process ASN after all Invoices
    • Process ASN after all Proforma Invoices
    • Standard
    • With Dispatch Order
  • ASN Cancellation Supported: If this check box is selected, then the ASN cancellation and the ASN replacement are active on the Shippers page in Shipping. This feature addresses suppliers who require the cancellation or the replacement of an ASN that has already been sent to the customer by EDI. The functionality enables suppliers to cancel or replace an ASN in Shipping. The canceled or replaced ASN is sent to Transformation. The customer is informed by EDI about the incorrect information that has been sent or the changed data.
  • Split Shipment Lines by RAN: If this processing logic is enabled, then the item quantities of boxes that contain items with the same item number are split by RAN/Kanban numbers. This configuration is required, for example, for the trading partner Renault.
  • Number of Copies:

    This field defines the number of ASN copies that must be created. If Number of Copies is 0, then no ASN copy is created. Typically, an ASN must be sent to the receiver of the goods. If it is required in the business scenario, then also other parties must be informed about the executed shipment. Up to three ASN copies can be created and sent to different message receivers that are involved in the supply chain.

    Shipping creates a corresponding number of ASN requests for Transformation in addition to the ASN request that are based on the selected ASN Type. The original ASN is sent to the customer.

  • Check Homogeneous Container Structure: If this check box is selected, then a special check of the container structure is active. You can enable the check in the TradingPartners and Customers code lists. The options Heterogeneous, Homogeneous, and Unknown are configured on shipment line level in the Homogeneous Pallet field. This function is required, for example, for the trading partners Renault and PSA.
  • Code List for Mapping EDI Plant: Select a code list for the mapping of the EDI plant. See the description of the code list MappingsEDIPlant.
  • DUNS Number: Specify the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number of the customer. The DUNS number is a unique nine-digit code that is used to identify companies and group entities within an organization. It is issued at a company's request by the business information provider, Dun & Bradstreet.
  • Pick-Up Process: If this check box is selected, then the pick-up process for trading partner A0260 PSA Europe is enabled in Shipping.
  • Own E-Mails: The supplier's email address.
  • Own Fax No.: The supplier's fax number.
  • Customer's Fax No.: The customer's fax number.
  • Own Phone No.: The supplier's phone number.
  • Customer's E-Mails: The customer's email address.
  • Customer's Phone No.: The customer's phone number.
  • Calculate CUM for Containers: Enables the calculation of container CUMs for reusable containers in Shipping.
  • Manufacturer Number: The manufacturer number is used to process the MAT Label for trading partner A3150 Continental Europe. To enable the usage of the MAT Label, select the label type MAT Label in the customer-specific entries Master Label Type and Single Label Type of the Customers code list.
  • Add Container Item to ASN: If enabled, then the container item is added to the ASN that is published in Shipping.
    Note: This check box should be selected for all customers who are assigned to trading partner A0101 Chrysler North America.
  • Manufacturing Location: The manufacturing location is used to process the MAT Label for trading partner A3150 Continental Europe. To enable the usage of the MAT Label, select the label type MAT Label in the customer-specific entries Master Label Type and Single Label Type of the Customers code list.
  • Destination Label Type: This label is used per transport handling unit. It provides the exact destination for the transport handling unit. It does not provide any item information.
  • Mixed Load Label Type: Unlike the Mixed Label Type, this label is used to indicate a mixed transport handling unit. Usually, it only contains the MIXED LOAD caption, but no other information. It is used together with a Transport Handling Unit Packing List or a list of type Mixed Master Label.
    Note: This label is different from the B10 and B16 labels. These are, in Shipping terminology, mixed labels.
  • Mixed Master Label Type: This label identifies a specific item as part of a transport handling unit. It is used for mixed outer packaging, and usually, multiple labels of type Mixed Master Label are printed.
    Note: Different trading partners use different criteria to determine when a label to be printed. Usually, the label is used together with a Mixed Load Label or a mixed label.
  • Item Consolidation Mode:

    This setting allows to consider trading partner-specific definitions of a "mixed pallet". Based on the selected definition, labels for a mixed pallet are printed.

    • No Label Mode
    • Per Item
    • Per Item and Lot
    • Per Item and Lot and Order
    • Per Item and Lot and RAN or Kanban
    • Per Item and Order
    • Per Item and RAN or Kanban
  • Quick Receive Label Type: This label type facilitates the process that covers the receiving of shipments. It usually only contains the shipment or ASN number in the barcode format. It allows to receive a transport handling unit, shipment, or container by scanning a 1D barcode.
    Note: The Quick Receive Label is printed as part of the Print Quick Receive Labels task. Use the Quick Receive Label Mode to configure whether a master shipment label, shipment label, or several transport handling unit labels must be printed.
  • Quick Receive Label Mode: This table shows the label modes.
    Label type Description
    Quick Receive Label per Shipper This label type is used to facilitate the receiving of shippers.
    Quick Receive Label per Shipment This label type is used to facilitate the receiving of included shipments.
    Quick Receive Label per Transport Handling Unit This label type is used when the transport handling unit must be labeled with a Quick Receive Label.
  • Minimum Status for Quick Receive Label Task Processing: The table shows the available statuses.
    Note: The statuses are taken from the TaskProcessingForStatus code list.
    Status Description
    Complete Shipper For this shipper, the SyncCarrierRoute BOD has been processed. It has the Complete or the Processed status. All the included shipments have the Shipped status.
    Invoice For this shipper, the SyncCarrierRoute BOD has been processed. It has the Complete or the Processed status. The Priced status of the shipper is Priced via Invoice.
    No Printing Mode The task cannot be processed.
    Proforma Invoice For this shipper, the SyncCarrierRoute BOD has been processed. It has the Complete or the Processed status. The Priced status of the shipper is Priced via Proforma Invoice, Mixed Pricing or Priced via Invoice.
    Released Shipment All the shipments of the pro forma shipper or shipper that are currently available have at least the Released status.
    Shipped Shipment All the shipments of the pro forma shipper or shipper that are currently available have at least the Shipped status.
    Staged Shipment All the shipments of the pro forma shipper or shipper that are currently available have at least the Staged status.
    Printable Shipper
    Note: This status is not applicable to Minimum Status for Quick Receive Label Task Processing.
  • Packing List Label Type for Transport Handling Unit : This label type is used for all types of packing lists on the transport handling unit level. For example, Ford’s Mixed Master Load List replaces the Mixed Master Label and contains each item of a transport handling unit. The item number and the quantity are printed in a human-readable form and as barcodes.
  • Mixed Single Label Type: Some trading partners allow or require the delivery of more than one item in a single inner packaging. In LN and in the application, this requirement may be fulfilled through the use of virtual containers. Additionally, this process requires the Mixed Single Label Type to be selected. The Mixed Single Label contains information about more than one item.
  • Pack Label Type: Inner packaging can contain different items, and can contain packs. A pack usually contains a specific item. A pack can be labeled. For this scenario, a Pack Label is required. For example, a container contains a thousand screws, which are packed in twenty bags of fifty screws each. Each bag is labeled with a Pack Label, the container with a single label, or, a Mixed Single Label.
  • Use Intermediate Containers on ASN: Intermediate containers are containers to which no other role is assigned in the packaging structure. You can select this check box if you are working with at least three genuine packaging levels without auxiliary packaging. The outer level of packaging is represented by the outer master or mixed packaging level. The inner level is represented by the single packaging level. The intermediate level is represented by the intermediate packaging. If this check box is cleared, then intermediate containers are declared as auxiliary packaging. All the boxes that are contained are directly assigned to the parent container of this packaging.
  • Cost Item for Clause 92: Specifies the cost item for the Chrysler Clause 92 process. Based on the contract for the cost item, Clause 92 allows the supplier to request reimbursement for expendable packaging. Returnable containers should have been used but were not available.
  • Automatically set master shipment to complete: Sets the status of the master shipment automatically to Complete, if the included shippers have been completed.
  • Adds sorting information into the label print request, so that the labels can be generated in the sequence of the shipment line numbers: Labels are generated and printed in the sequence of the shipment line numbers.
  • Consolidate containers when ASN Type is with Dispatch Order: Containers are consolidated if the ASN Type is set to With Dispatch Order.
  • Sort Labels by Logistic Print Field (Descending): The labels are sorted by the Logistic Print Field in descending order.
  • Expected Delivery Date: This property value can be used to print the earliest expected delivery date on shipping labels and documents. You can choose one of these options:
    • Blank: The expected delivery date is extracted from a single instance of this date in the SyncShipment BOD. In this case, the extracted date is not necessarily the earliest delivery date.
    • Select the Earliest Expected Delivery Date: The delivery date from each shipment line of the SyncShipment BOD is printed as the Expected Delivery Date on the shipping labels and documents for the selected customer.
  • Add Julian Day to Route Field in Shipper: If this check box is enabled, the shipper's route is truncated to the last three numeric digits and then concatenated with the Julian Day. This information is then published in the Route field on the Shippers page in Shipping and in the shipping documents.
  • Discrete Quantities in Sequential Production Forecast: This option allows discrete quantities during a sequential production forecast.
  • Suppress Lot ID in Outbound Documents: If this check box is selected, then the lot ID is included in the ASN and printed on labels.
  • Print Tax ID: If this check box is selected, then the tax number is included in the print request and printed on the waybill.
  • Print "Ship on Behalf of" Address for Customer facing Documents: This setting enables the "Ship on Behalf of" feature for customer-facing documents such as container labels, packing slips, EDI waybills, etc. in the direct delivery process. All such documents use the supplier and ship from information from the supplier party and not from the sub-supplier. This includes also identification numbers like DUNS or IDs that are given by the end-customer to identify the supplier.
  • Print "Ship on Behalf of" Address for Carrier facing Documents: This setting enables the "Ship on Behalf of" feature for carrier-facing documents, for example, the waybill, in the direct delivery process. The waybill documents use the supplier and ship from information from the supplier party and not from the sub-supplier.
  • Print "Ship on Behalf of" Address for Customs Documents: This setting enables the "Ship on Behalf of" feature for customs documents in the direct delivery process. The setting considers, for example, the movement certificates that are used in shipping. The movement certificates use the supplier and ship from information from the supplier party and not from the sub-supplier.
  • Use Internal Revision ID: The option defines the information that is shown in the Engineering Change Level field in the shipment lines of a shipper and printed on labels. By default, the option is not selected:

    If disabled, then the Engineering Change Level is set to the shipment line reference Revision Number. If not available, then the field is set to the shipment line reference Revision Level. If not available, then the Engineering Change Level is set to a Null value.

    If enabled, then the Engineering Change Level is set to the ShipmentItem/ItemID/RevisionID. If the information is not available, then the Engineering Change Level is set to a Null value.


This code list includes the list of defined reasons for excess transportation. The code list shows the UN/EDIFACT, ASC X12, and VDA codes that are used in the "Authorization for Excess Transportation Charges" (AETC) process.

For an excess transportation, the OEM must authorize the exceeding transportation costs during shipment preparation. Additional information is required in this process:

  • The reason for excess transportation
  • The responsibility for excess transportation
  • The excess transportation authorization number that is given by the OEM

In the detail view of the Shippers page in Shipping, the fields Authorization Number, Reason Code, and Responsibility Code can be managed. The Reason Code field references the ExcessTransportationReasonCodes code list. The Responsibility Code field references the ExcessTransportationResponsibilityCodes code list. The Shipping area publishes the excess transportation information in the ASN.

Note: This code list must not be changed.


This code list includes the list of defined responsibilities for excess transportation. The code list shows the UN/EDIFACT, ASC X12, and VDA codes that are used in the "Authorization for Excess Transportation Charges" (AETC) process.

For an excess transportation, the OEM must authorize the exceeding transportation costs during shipment preparation. Additional information is required in this process:

  • The reason for excess transportation
  • The responsibility for excess transportation
  • The excess transportation authorization number that is given by the OEM

In the detail view of the Shippers page in Shipping, the fields Authorization Number, Reason Code, and Responsibility Code can be managed. The Reason Code field references the ExcessTransportationReasonCodes code list. The Responsibility Code field references the ExcessTransportationResponsibilityCodes code list. The Shipping area publishes the excess transportation information in the ASN.

Note: This code list must not be changed.


This code list defines the functionality features that must be activated so they are visible. You must add the new code list property associated with the feature to the FeatureActivation code list. The code list properties for a feature include the valid Identifier, effective dates, and Module (in other words, the area such as Transformation, Shipping, etc.) to which the functionality applies. After a feature becomes generally available in a release, the feature no longer must be included in the code list properties for this code list.


This code list allows you, with a trading partner hierarchy, to define the user area fields to be captured. This code list definition determines which user area fields to accept from an external application, instead of including every user area field available.


This code list defines the freight terms. The freight terms include the valid VDA and EDIFACT codes that are used for the style sheet mapping in Transformation.

Note: This code list must not be changed.


This code list supports the handling of Incoterms in Shipping. The code list contains all values that are defined for the Incoterms 2010. Each Incoterms value is stored in the Name field and the description of the value in the Short Description field. The field Description is left empty.

In the Shipment Details in Shipping, you can use a Lookup button to select an Incoterms value from the DeliveryTerms field. The field references the code list Incoterms.

Note: This code list must not be changed.


This code list includes the item usage codes.

You can edit these property values:

Key: Code of the item usage.

Note: This code list must not be changed.


This code list includes the codes of the trading partner VW for the item usages such as Production, Initial Sample, and Serial Part, etc.

Note: This code list must not be changed.


This code list includes the quantities of items to which the prices relate.

Note: This code list must not be changed.


This code list is used to enable or disable printing for the Transformation and the Release Management.

If printing is disabled, then no printing activity can be performed in the Transformation and the Release Management. By default, printing is enabled.


This code list includes the shipment status codes that are used by Transformation to support the Infor Transportation Management integration.

You can edit these property values:

  • ASC X12 Code: ASC X12 code of the shipment status code.
  • EDIFACT Code: EDIFACT code of the shipment status code.
  • VDA Code: VDA code of the shipment status code.
Note: This code list must not be changed.


Based on Ship To value, the code list provides the values of the Code List Responsible Agency Coded (3055) for each of the UN/EDIFACT NAD party qualifiers SE, CZ, and CN.

Note: This code list must not be changed.


This code list includes the address and contact information for any third-party entity to which third-party freight charges can be assigned.

The Customers code list includes the drop-down list Third Party Freight for selecting the address that is saved in the ThirdPartyFreight code list.

When a shipper is created and the customer has a third-party freight specified, the associated third-party address fields are populated in the Carrier and Transportation section of the Shippers page.


This code list contains the user-specific time zones that are defined for the local application users.

Time zones are used with transformation style sheets for the mapping of EDI messages.

You can edit these property values:

Time Zone: Shows the user-specific time zone. You can select a time zone from the list of available time zones that are defined in the TimeZones code list.


This code list includes the general types of carrier transportation used to deliver goods. The transportation method is typically used in North America in ASC X12 EDI.

You can edit these property values:

  • EDIFACT Code: EDIFACT code of the transportation method.
  • ASC X12 Code: ASC X12 code of the transportation method.
  • VDA Code: VDA code of the transportation method.
Note: This code list must not be changed.


This code list includes the units of measure.

You can edit these property values:

  • EDIFACT Code: EDIFACT code of the unit of measure.
  • Decimals: Number of decimals that are considered.
  • ASC X12 Code: ASC X12 code of the unit of measure.
  • VDA Code: VDA code of the unit of measure.
  • Category: Category to which the unit of measure belongs.
Note: This code list must not be changed.