Resetting CUMs of all plans from a customer in an accounting entity

On the CUM Reset page, you can manually reset the CUMs for a bundle of plans from a customer in an accounting entity in one process. Unlike the manual CUM reset of an individual plan, you can select the plans by Customer and Accounting Entity and optionally by Ship To and Customer Item.

To manually reset the CUMS for a bundle of plans from a customer in an accounting entity:

  1. Select Release Management > CUM Reset.
  2. To perform a CUM reset for a bundle of plans from a customer, you can specify filter criteria for these fields:
    The customer for whom a CUM reset must be performed. The customer is an arbitrary set of characters that is used to uniquely identify a customer in an accounting entity. The customer is taken from the ERP system. Click the Lookup button of the field to select the customer from a dialog box.
    Ship To
    The ship to of the customer. This field indicates the location code that is used with the ship to location to identify where the goods are shipped. Click the Lookup button of the field to select the ship to from a dialog box. The ship to locations that are displayed in the dialog box are valid for the selected customer.
    Customer Item
    The item identifier of the contract line that is used by the customer. Click the Lookup button of the field to select the customer item from a dialog box. The customer items that are displayed in the dialog box are valid for the selected customer and ship to.
    Accounting Entity

    A corporation or a subset of a corporation that is independent in regard to one or more operational functions or accounting functions. An accounting entity produces a P&L and balance sheet from a complete, balanced set of transactions, and is often a legal entity. An accounting entity is defined within a tenant and can contain locations. Click the Lookup button of the field to select the accounting entity from a dialog box.

  3. To start the search for matching plans, click Search.
    The matching plans are loaded and listed according to the filter criteria.
  4. Review and check the list of plans:
    Plan ID
    The plan ID of a plan that is assigned to a contract line. The plan ID is automatically created by Release Management.
    Customer Item
    The item identifier of the contract line that is used by the customer.
    Customer Item Desc.
    The item description of the customer.
    Internal Item
    The internal item identifier of the plan that is used by the supplier.
    Ship To
    The ship to of the customer. This field indicates the location code that is used with the ship to location to identify where the goods are shipped to.
    Ship To Name
    The name of the location that is used with the Ship To location identifier to identify where goods are shipped to.
    Current Shipped CUM
    The current shipped cumulative quantity of goods that is sent by the supplier. The current shipped cumulative quantity is based on the last CUM reset date.
    Current Received CUM
    The current cumulative quantity of goods that is received and confirmed by the customer. The current received cumulative quantity is based on the last CUM reset date.
    Last CUM Reset Date
    Users can compare the current CUM reset date with the last performed CUM reset date. If the CUM Reset Date field is changed in a plan, then the Last CUM Reset Date field is updated.
    Process Status
    This field shows the last successful processing step to import a plan.
  5. Click Run CUM Reset to start the CUM reset process.
    These steps are performed for each individual plan in the list:
    • Create a new single plan of type Planning Schedule based on the existing plan.
    • Set the Current Received CUM to zero.
    • Set the CUM Reset Date to the current date.
    • Calculate and save the Current Shipped CUM.
    • Update the CUM history.
    • Publish the changed plan to the ERP system and save the result of the CUM reset to the list of plans.

    Review this calculation example:

    Table 1. Current plan
    Current Received CUM: 1000
    Current Shipped CUM: 1200
    In Transit Quantity: 200
    CUM Reset Date: 12/31/yyyy
    Table 2. CUM Reset Processing
    Current Received CUM: Set to 0.
    Difference: Previous Received CUM – New Received CUM (1000 - 0) = 1000
    Current Shipped CUM: 1200 – Difference (1000) = 200
    In Transit Quantity: 200
    CUM Reset Date 12/31/yyyy, current date