CUM modification of current plans

You can adjust the current shipped CUMs of a customer's current plans. Manual adjustment of the current shipped CUMs is required, for example, in these cases:

  • A new system must be set up and initialized with existing and continuous plans.
  • The current shipped CUMs are incorrect.

When you manually change the shipped CUMs, the current CUMs are preset in the CUM fields. You can change the shipped CUM in the detail view of the Planning Schedules or Shipment Schedules pages. In case of referenced shipment schedules, a modification of shipped CUMs is required in the detail view of the Planning Schedules page. If you change the shipped CUMs of referenced shipment schedules, a message is shown. The message displays that a CUM adjustment in referenced plans is not possible. You must change the shipped CUMs in the detail view of the Planning Schedules page.

CUM modifications of referenced shipment schedules cannot be saved in the in the detail view of the Shipment Schedules page.

If you specify shipped CUMs that are less than the received CUMs, you cannot save the modification. When you try to save the CUM modification, a message prompts you to correct the shipped CUM. The specified received CUM is greater than the shipped CUM.

To adjust the current and total shipped CUMs, select Release Management > Planning Schedules or Release Management > Shipment Schedules and click the Drill down button of an active contract line.

Create a new requirement situation or modify the requirement situation of the current plan.

Expand the CUM Information field set on the Planning Schedule or Shipment Schedule tab.

To adjust the current and total shipped CUMs, click Change CUMs.

After specifying the current and total shipped CUMs and saving the CUMs, the CUM history is updated. To check the CUM modification of the plan, click View CUMs in the detail view of the Plans page. In the CUMs dialog box, the updated CUM history is shown.

Note: In the Release Management area, the CUM import supports a distinction by customer, supplier item number, and customer order number. Contract lines that have the same item number, but different customer order numbers are considered by the CUM import.