Changes to integrations - ION Connector Service

This chapter provides an overview of the major changes to integrations that have been implemented in this release:

One single connection to ION

In Automotive Exchange v12.0.00, all services of the application are using the ION Connector Service. The service manages the connections to ION and all other applications that are connected to ION. ION Connector Service integrates with ION through the ION Messaging Service (IMS) connection point.

Now the inbound and outbound BOD communication for all Automotive Exchange services is viewable in one place of the application.

On the Inbound BODs and Outbound BODs pages, you can manually enter and import new BODs with inbound and outbound direction. All inbound and outbound BOD messages can be edited and reprocessed.

ION Connector Service has an inbound and an outbound BOD flow.

Outbound BOD flow

In an outbound BOD flow, a service sends a BOD to the ION Connector Service API. For example, the Release Management Service sends a Sync.ShipmentSchedule BOD.

The BOD message is validated and stored in the database with a status of New. A new message including the BOD content is created and sent to IMS. The message is updated with the new status of Successfully sent to destination or Failed to send to destination. This message is shown on the Outbound BODs page with the current status.

Inbound BOD flow

In an inbound BOD flow, for example, a Sync.Contract BOD is sent to the Release Management Service. The Sync.Contract BOD is sent from IMS to the ION Connector Service API.

The BOD message is validated and stored in the service database with a status of New. ION Connector Service uses the configuration for the Sync.Contract BOD from the database and sends the message to the Release Management Service. The message is updated with the new status of Successfully sent to destination or Failed to send to destination and saved to the database. This message is shown on the Inbound BODs page with the current status.

Inbound BODs page

On the Inbound BODs page, the list of inbound BODs is displayed. You can filter the list by BOD Type, BOD Status, Automotive Exchange Service, and Created Time.

On this page, you can create manually a new inbound BOD, reprocess a BOD, and delete an existing BOD.

To create a new BOD, click Create. In the detail view of the page, select the BOD Type from the drop-down list. Copy and paste the XML code of the BOD into the BOD Content section. Then click Save to start processing. The BOD Status, Automotive Exchange Service, and Created Time are filled in automatically once saved.

On the Inbound BODs page, click the Drill down button to open the Inbound BOD Details page. Here you can edit existing BODs and start the reprocessing. You can change the BOD type or the BOD content if required. A new BOD is created and imported when you click Save.

Outbound BODs page

The Outbound BODs page, the list of outbound BODs is displayed. The page offers the same functionality as the Inbound BODs page. The difference is in the BOD types that are accepted and in the destination of the BOD messages.