Specifying CUM information

To specify the CUM information of the new plan:

  1. Expand the CUM Information field set.
  2. Specify this information:
    Current Received CUM
    Specify the new value for the current received CUM of goods that is received and confirmed by the customer. The current received cumulative quantity is based on the last CUM reset date. The current received CUM must be less than or equal to the current shipped CUM and less than or equal to the total received CUM.
    CUM Difference
    Specify the CUM difference that you received from the customer. A CUM difference occurs in the period between the customer's MRP run and the sending of a new release order. In this period further goods receipts that are booked by the customer are not reflected in his current requirement situation. In consequence, the CUM difference must be subtracted from the effective requirements to prevent these quantities from being shipped again to the customer.

    You can adjust the current shipped quantity of goods that has been sent to the customer in the Current Shipped CUM field.

    See Changing the shipped CUMs.