Global Data Service

This chapter provides an overview of the purpose of the new Global Data Service in Automotive Exchange v12.0.00.

The Global Data Service manages application-level data that is not tied to any particular tenant. It interfaces with Infor CloudSuite Portal when new tenants are provisioned, driving the initialization process for new tenants.

This type of data is stored in the Global Data Service:
  • Application-level configuration
  • Tenant configuration details
  • Standard transformation style sheets that are managed by Infor
  • Standard print templates and dispatchers that are managed by Infor
  • Standard code lists and codes that are managed by Infor

Infor-developed content is stored in the Global Data Service. It cannot be modified by tenant users, but users can view and export the content. Users can export the content and use the standard content to create custom versions.

Tenant-maintained code lists, style sheets, and templates are stored in tenant databases and are modifiable by tenant users.

Access roles

Access to the Global Data Service is restricted. Tenant details are available only to internal Infor users. Users with administrator permissions have full access. Other internal users with assigned roles have read-only access; these users are permitted to view and export Infor-developed content, such as standard transformation style sheets, print templates, and dispatchers.


The Global Data Service consists of these components:

  • Tenants: This option provides access to the list of tenants that have been provisioned for Automotive Exchange. Click the Drill down button of a tenant to access the tenant details.
    • The Tenant Detail page displays the detailed information for a tenant, including the ID and description, status, database connections, property names, values, and provisioning history.
  • Transformation Style Sheets: This option provides access to the standard transformation style sheets that are managed by Infor. Click the Drill down button to access the style sheet details.
    • The Transformation Style Sheet Detail page displays the style sheet name and corresponding content. Users can export a style sheet and use the content as the basis for customizing a style sheet.
  • Print Templates: This option provides access to the standard print templates that are managed by Infor. Click the Drill down button to access the template details.
    • The Print Template Detail page displays the template name and corresponding content. Users can export a print template and use the content as the basis for customizing a print template.
  • Print Dispatchers: This option provides access to the standard dispatcher print templates. Click the Drill down button of a dispatcher to access its details.
    • The Print Dispatcher Detail page displays the dispatcher name and corresponding content. Users can export a dispatcher print template and use the content as the basis for customizing a dispatcher print template.
  • Print Resources Zip: This option provides access to a zip file containing all the standard print templates and dispatchers that are managed by Infor. Select the zip file from the grid and click the Export button to export the zip file to your local machine.
  • Properties: This option provides access to any application-level configuration properties. Click the Drill down button of a property to view its details.
    • The Property Detail page displays the property name and property value.
  • Code Lists: This option provides access to the code lists that are managed by Infor. Click the Drill down button of a code list to access its details.
    • The Code List Details page contains several attributes and properties associated with the code list.
  • Codes: This option provides access to the codes that are managed by Infor. Click the Drill down button of a code to access its details.
    • The Codes detail page contains several attributes and code list properties for the selected code.
  • Change Log Level: This option provides access to the log level of Automotive Exchange services. The page can be used for debugging issues that require a greater level of logging information.