Support of EDI Transport Order process
In the automotive industry, more and more carmakers are requesting support for the EDI Transport Order process from their suppliers.
A certain lead time before the shipment time, an EDI Transport Order document can now be sent from the supplier to the customer or carrier to confirm that the agreed goods are ready for shipping.
The information included in the EDI Transport Order message enables the carrier to reserve the required transport capacity and ensures that the size of the truck is in line with the number and the weight of goods that need to be shipped.
Infor LN publishes a ProcessShipment BOD
and a
ProcessCarrierRoute BOD
to that contain new attributes to indicate the type of the
Transport Order document and the purpose code:
- User Area:
- User Area:
To import the EDI Transport Order messages, the new message type Shipment Transport Order has been implemented in . The imported EDI Transport Order messages are shown on the Manage Messages page. The field entry of the Message Type column can be used to search for EDI Transport Order messages.
To activate the EDI Transport Order process for a trading partner, the message type Shipment Transport Order must be selected on the Partner IDs page.
On this page, the Additional Sender / Receiver IDs settings can be used to send the EDI Transport Order message directly to the carrier rather than to the customer.
In addition, a transformation rule for the message type Shipment Transport Order must be configured for the trading partner on the Transformation Rules page. You must select a suitable transformation style sheet for the desired EDI trading partner.