Changing the shipped CUMs
If the shipped CUMs of goods are incorrect, you can change the CUMs manually. After submitting the data, a new revision of the plan is created and the CUM history is updated. You can check the modifications of the CUM journal in the detail view of the View Plans page.
When you manually change the shipped CUMs, the current CUMs are preset in the CUM fields. You can change the shipped CUM in the detail view of the Manage Planning Schedules or Manage Shipment Schedules pages. In case of referenced shipment schedules, a modification of shipped CUMs is required in the detail view of the Manage Planning Schedules page. If you change the shipped CUMs of referenced shipment schedules, then a message is shown. The message displays that a CUM adjustment in referenced plans is not possible. You must change the shipped CUMs in the detail view of the Manage Planning Schedules page.
CUM modifications of referenced shipment schedules cannot be saved in the in the detail view of the Manage Shipment Schedules page.
If you specify shipped CUMs that are less than the received CUMs, then you cannot save the modification. When saving the CUM modification, a message prompts you to correct the shipped CUM, because the specified received CUM is greater than the shipped CUM.
To change the shipped CUMs: