Reviewing the list of text messages

ASC X12 864 text messages that are imported to Release Management can be checked, reviewed, and validated on the View Text Messages page. For each text message, new versions of the corresponding combined plans are created and published to the ERP system. The free form text is added to the plan notes respectively replaces the existing plan notes.

To review the list of text messages:

  1. Select Release Management > View Text Messages.
  2. Review this information:
    Document ID
    This field shows the document number of the original release order. The incoming text message is linked to the corresponding release orders by the External Document Number. The External Document Number is displayed in the Release Information field set of the plan applications in Release Management.
    Document Date
    The creation date/time of the text message.
    Processing Date
    The last processing date of the text message.
    The status of the text message:
    • New: For each text message the corresponding combined plans are loaded. A new version of each combined plan is created and published to the ERP system. The free form text is added to the plan notes respectively replaces the existing plan notes.
    • Processed: The corresponding combined plans have been updated successfully. The status description contains the plan IDs of the updated plans.
    • Failed: An error occurred when the related combined plans were updated. The status description shows an error message.

    Only text messages with status Failed or Processed can be validated. The status then changes to New and the text message is processed again.

    Transaction Number
    The transaction number that is used by the original release order message.
    Customer Plant Code
    The EDI plant code for the customer plant.
    External Contact Person
    The customer's representative.