Configuring complex container structures
Complex container structures are container structures that include virtual containers or have more than two genuine levels of hierarchy. Auxiliary packaging is ignored.
Incoming containers can have these roles:
- Master, Mixed: The Master and Mixed roles are available only for outermost containers.
- Intermediate: This role is used for containers that have neither Master, Mixed, nor Single role
- Single: The Single role can be used only for innermost containers.
How inner and outer containers are handled during import depends on whether the printing- and ASN-related check boxes are selected in Packaging Information:
- Outer containers: If a type of packaging is not intended to be printed on a specific document or to be provided through an ASN, and it does not contain goods, then it must be removed from the container structure before the Master/Mixed, Intermediate, or Single role is assigned.
- Inner containers: If an innermost container is not intended to be printed on a specific document and not intended to be provided through an ASN, it is marked as inactive during processing, but is still available in the internal container structure. Its parent receives the Single role if it contains only one item of one consolidation type. It receives the Mixed Master role if it is an outermost container, otherwise it receives the Mixed Single role. The Intermediate role is assigned to all other containers.
In a print request all the containers that are used, including Intermediate containers, must be available.
To configure trading partners and customers for the handling of complex container structures: