BOD workflow

The information flow in the referenced process that uses RAN numbers in planning schedules consists of these steps:

  • Transformation Services sends a LoadPlanningSchedule BOD to Release Management. The planning schedule contains firm requirements and planned requirements. Firm requirements have RAN numbers. Planned requirements do not have RAN numbers.
  • The requirements are processed in Release Management and published to the ERP system. Planned requirements without RAN numbers are published in a SyncPlanningSchedule BOD. Firm requirements including RAN numbers are published in a SyncShipmentSchedule BOD.
  • The ERP system processes the shipments and passes this information to the Shipping area where, for example, the shipment documents are created. A SyncShipment BOD that includes the RAN number is published by the ERP system. The BOD is transferred to Release Management and Shipping through ION. The shipment line that contains the RAN number can then be allocated to a requirement in Release Management.