Searching current and historic plans

On the View Plans page, you can search for current and historic plans.

To search for current and historic plans:

  1. Select Release Management > View Plans.
  2. To display the historic plans, select Historic Plan from the Process Status column.
    The list of historic plans is sorted in descending order. The last version of a plan is displayed on top of the list. Use also the other search criteria to restrict your search to the historic versions of one plan. The Message Type field of the historic plans shows, which type of schedule has caused the creation of a new plan version. Use the Plan ID field and other search criteria to restrict your search to the historic versions of one plan.
    Note: If you load a historic plan, the Combined Plan tab shows the CUMs as they were at the creation date of the combined plan. Click View CUMs in the historic plan to view the up-to-date current CUMs.
  3. To display the active plans, select Current Plan from the Processing Status column.
    The list of current plans is displayed.