Release Management

These code lists can only be used in an automotive environment.


This code list is used to configure the CUMImporter job. The job reads a CSV file that contains shipped CUM data and plan fields. The plan fields are used to retrieve the current single plan. The CUM data are used to update the current single plan and to publish a new plan in Release Management. Ensure that the corresponding plans exist and the data of the import file correspond with the current schedule situation of the imported plans. We recommend that you activate the test mode to check the CUM import for errors. When you activate the test mode, the CUM import does not change the plan data in Release Management.

  • Name: Defines the name of the CUMImporter job configuration. The CUMImporter job entry that has the name "parameter" is used as the default job configuration. This job entry can be used by customers to import CUMs.
  • Active: Activates the job declaration. The Job Manager Service automatically creates a job instance for each active job declaration. By default, the CUM import is deactivated.
  • Job Trigger Type: Specifies the job type that triggers the scheduled job. By default, the job is of type Simple Job.
    • Cron Job: The job is started and controlled by a Cron expression.
    • Simple Job: The job runs once or runs permanently with a scheduled job frequency in milliseconds.
  • Scheduled Job Frequency: Defines the frequency for starting the job CUMImporter. By default, the job frequency is 1.
  • Job User: Defines the user that is used for logging and to run the CUMImporter job. By default, the user is SRMSystemUser.
  • Repeat Count for Simple Trigger Jobs: Defines whether a job of type Simple Job runs permanently or only once. By default, the repeat count for this job is 1:
    • -1: If the run interval is -1, the job is started automatically and runs permanently. For example, the job MessageImportFromEXS is of type Simple Job. The job is started automatically and runs permanently in contrast to a Cron job.
    • Greater than -1: If the run interval is greater than -1, the job can only be started manually and run once.
  • Path and Name of Import File: Specifies the full path and file name of the import file using slashes instead of backslashes. The default path and file name in an automotive environment is ${AUTOCONNECT_HOME}/srm/CUMImport/test.csv.
  • Field List: Specifies the list of fields for which CUM data and plan data are imported from the CSV import file. The fields must be separated by commas. The field names are case-sensitive. Example of a field list without LSP and without total shipped CUM: PlanAE,PlanLocation,CustomerID,ShipToID,ItemID,ShippedCurrent
  • Skip Errors: If activated, the import skips the plans that cause an error and updates the other correct plans. If deactivated, the import stops when an error is detected and the update of plans is cancelled. By default, the check box is cleared.
  • Test Mode: If activated, the plan data is not changed in the Release Management area. By default, the check box is cleared. We recommend that you activate the test mode and check the import for errors before the data is imported.


This code list defines the configuration of the PlanProcessor job that reads, processes, and publishes validated plans.

  • Name: Defines the name of the PlanProcessor job configuration. The PlanProcessor job entry that has the name "parameter" is used as the default job configuration.
  • Active: Activates the job declaration. The Job Manager Service automatically creates a job instance for each active job declaration. You can define a job declaration on accounting entity level.
  • Job Trigger Type: Specifies the job type that triggers the scheduled job. By default, the job is a Cron job.
    • Cron Job: The job is started and controlled by a Cron expression.
    • Simple Job: The job runs once or runs permanently with a scheduled job frequency in milliseconds.
  • Scheduled Job Frequency: Defines the frequency for starting the job PlanProcessor. If the job has been defined as a Cron job, the frequency is defined as a Cron expression to schedule the job. The default Cron expression is 0/10 * * * * ?.
  • Repeat Count for Simple Trigger Jobs: Defines whether a job of type Simple Job runs permanently or only once:
    • -1: If the run interval is -1, the job is started automatically and runs permanently. For example, the job MessageImportFromEXS is of type Simple Job. The job is started automatically and runs permanently in contrast to a Cron job.
    • Greater than -1: If the run interval is greater than -1, the job can only be started manually and run once.
  • Job User: Defines the user of the Release Management area that is used to run the PlanProcessor job. By default, the user is SRMSystemUser.


This code list is used to configure the PlanPublisher job. The PlanPublisher job publishes current and historic plan versions in the Release Management area to ION. The plans can be selected by accounting entity and processing date in the tenant to which you are currently logged on to. ION provides the data for the Infor ION Business Vault from which Infor reporting applications and tools can extract Automotive Key Performance Indicators.

  • Name: Defines the name of the PlanPublisher job configuration. The PlanPublisher job entry that has the name "parameter" is used as the default job configuration. This job entry can be used to publish current and historic plans.
  • Accounting Entity: Select the accounting entity of plans that are published from the drop-down list. If left empty, the PlanPublisher job processes the plans of all accounting entities in the tenant to which you are logged on to.
  • Active: Activates the job declaration. The Job Manager Service automatically creates a job instance for each active job declaration. By default, the PlanPublisher is deactivated.
  • Job Trigger Type: Specifies the job type that triggers the scheduled job. By default, the job is of type Simple Job.
    • Cron Job: The job is started and controlled by a Cron expression.
    • Simple Job: The job runs once or runs permanently with a scheduled job frequency in milliseconds.
  • Scheduled Job Frequency: Defines the frequency for starting the job PlanPublisher. By default, the job frequency is 1.
  • Job User: Defines the user that is used to run the PlanPublisher job. By default, the user is SRMSystemUser.
  • Repeat Count for Simple Trigger Jobs: Defines whether a job of type Simple Job
    • -1: If the run interval is -1, the job is started automatically and runs permanently. For example, the job MessageImportFromEXS is of type Simple Job. The job is started automatically and runs permanently in contrast to a Cron job.
    • Greater than -1: If the run interval is greater than -1, the job can only be started manually and run once.
  • Use Verb Show: You can use the verb Show or Sync. Select the check box to use the verb Show. By default, the check box is cleared and the verb Sync is used.
  • Start Date: Specify a date from which the publishing of plans starts. This date is compared to the processing date of a plan.
  • Logical ID: If you use the verb Show, you must specify the logical ID of the Business Vault to which the BOD information is delivered by ION. If you do not specify the logical ID, an error message is displayed. The logical ID of the Business Vault can be found in the corresponding ION connection point.
    Note: You cannot specify more than one logical ID in an initial load run of the PlanPublisher job.

    Before publishing the selected plans, the PlanPublisher checks whether the logical ID contains a dot (".") that is required. If the dot is missing, an error message is displayed.

    The prefix lid:// must not be specified manually, because it is set internally. If you specify the prefix lid:// manually, an error message is displayed.

    If you use the verb Sync, the field Logical ID is disregarded. In this case, the routing is based on the configured ION document flow for PlanningSchedule and ShipmentSchedule BODs. If the Logical ID field is filled, an error message is displayed.


This code list defines the configuration of the PlanValidator job. The job reads and validates imported plans, for example, by verifying the existence of a valid contract.

  • Name: Defines the name of the PlanValidator job configuration. The PlanValidator job entry that has the name "parameter" is used as the default job configuration.
  • Active: Activates the job declaration. The Job Manager Service automatically creates a job instance for each active job declaration. You can define a job declaration on accounting entity level.
  • Job Trigger Type: Specifies the job type that triggers the scheduled job. By default, the job is a Cron job.
    • Cron Job: The job is started and controlled by a Cron expression.
    • Simple Job: The job runs once or runs permanently with a scheduled job frequency in milliseconds.
  • Scheduled Job Frequency: Defines the frequency for starting the job PlanValidator. If the job has been defined as a Cron job, the frequency is defined as a Cron expression to schedule the job. By default, the job runs every 7 seconds: 0/7 * * * * ?.
  • Repeat Count for Simple Trigger Jobs: Defines whether a job of type Simple Job runs permanently or only once:
    • -1: If the run interval is -1, the job is started automatically and runs permanently. For example, the job MessageImportFromEXS is of type Simple Job. The job is started automatically and runs permanently in contrast to a Cron job.
    • Greater than -1: If the run interval is greater than -1, the job can only be started manually and run once.
  • Job User: Defines the user of the Release Management area that is used to run the PlanValidator job. By default, the user is SRMSystemUser.
  • Number of Records to Fetch: Defines the number of records a job instance processes before it stops running. This option can improve the scalability of multiple instances of a job running in a cloud environment and the load balancing. With the default setting "0", a job instance continues to run until all records are processed.


This code list defines the configuration of the ShipmentConsumptionProcessor job that reads and processes shipments and consumption.

  • Name: Defines the name of the ShipmentConsumptionProcessor job configuration. The ShipmentConsumptionProcessor job entry that has the name "parameter" is used as the default job configuration.
  • Active: Activates the job declaration. The Job Manager Service automatically creates a job instance for each active job declaration. You can define a job declaration on accounting entity level.
  • Job Trigger Type: Specifies the job type that triggers the scheduled job. By default, the job is a Cron job.
    • Cron Job: The job is started and controlled by a Cron expression.
    • Simple Job: The job runs once or runs permanently with a scheduled job frequency in milliseconds.
  • Scheduled Job Frequency: Defines the frequency for starting the job ShipmentConsumptionProcessor. If the job has been defined as a Cron job, the frequency is defined as a Cron expression to schedule the job. By default, the job runs every 10 seconds: 0/10 * * * * ?.
  • Repeat Count for Simple Trigger Jobs: Defines whether a job of type Simple Job runs permanently or only once:
    • -1: If the run interval is -1, the job is started automatically and runs permanently. For example, the job MessageImportFromEXS is of type Simple Job. The job is started automatically and runs permanently in contrast to a Cron job.
    • Greater than -1: If the run interval is greater than -1, the job can only be started manually and run once.
  • Job User: Defines the user of the Release Management area that is used to run the ShipmentConsumptionProcessor job. By default, the user is SRMSystemUser.
  • Number of Records to Fetch: Defines the number of records a job instance processes before it stops running. This option can improve the scalability of multiple instances of a job running in a cloud environment and the load balancing. With the default setting "0", a job instance continues to run until all records are processed.


This code list defines the configuration of the SRMReorganization job. The job deletes transactional data in the Release Management area.

  • NameSRMReorganization job configuration. The SRMReorganization job entry that has the name "parameter" is used as the default job configuration.
  • Active: Activates the job declaration. The Job Manager Service automatically creates a job instance for each active job declaration. You can define a job declaration on accounting entity level.
  • Job Trigger Type: Specifies the job type that triggers the scheduled job. By default, the job is a Cron job.
    • Cron Job: The job is started and controlled by a Cron expression.
    • Simple Job: The job runs once or runs permanently with a scheduled job frequency in milliseconds.
  • Scheduled Job Frequency: Defines the frequency for starting the job SRMReorganization. If the job has been defined as a Cron job, the frequency is defined as a Cron expression to schedule the job. The default Cron expression is 0 0 0 31 12 ? 2099.
  • Job User: Defines the user of the Release Management area that is used to run the SRMReorganization job. By default, the user is SRMSystemUser.
  • Repeat Count for Simple Trigger Jobs: Defines whether a job of type Simple Job runs permanently or only once:
    • -1: If the run interval is -1, the job is started automatically and runs permanently. For example, the job MessageImportFromEXS is of type Simple Job. The job is started automatically and runs permanently in contrast to a Cron job.
    • Greater than -1: If the run interval is greater than -1, the job can only be started manually and run once.
  • Delete Planning Schedules Older than Days: Number of days for which planning schedules should be kept, starting yesterday (-1 = no deletion).
  • Delete Shipment Schedules Older than Days: Number of days for which shipment schedules should be kept, starting yesterday (-1 = no deletion).
  • Delete Sequence Schedules Older than Days: Number of days for which sequence schedules should be kept, starting yesterday (-1 = no deletion).
  • Delete in One Transaction (Standard): Number of objects deleted in one transaction (default = 1000).
  • Delete Shipments Older than Days: Number of days for which shipments should be kept, starting yesterday (-1 = no deletion).
  • Delete CUM Logs Older than Days: Number of days for which CUM logs should be kept, starting yesterday (-1 = no deletion).


This code list defines the configuration of the TextMessageConsumptionProcessor job that reads and name of th processes all text messages with status e New.

  • Name: Defines the: Defines the name of the TextMessageConsumptionProcessor job configuration. The TextMessageConsumptionProcessor job entry that has the name "parameter" is used as the default job configuration.
  • Active: Activates the job declaration. The Job Manager Service automatically creates a job instance for each active job declaration. You can define a job declaration on accounting entity level.
  • Job Trigger Type: Specifies the job type that triggers the scheduled job. By default, the job is a Cron job.
    • Cron Job: The job is started and controlled by a Cron expression.
    • Simple Job: The job runs once or runs permanently with a scheduled job frequency in milliseconds.
  • Scheduled Job Frequency: Defines the frequency for starting the job TextMessageConsumptionProcessor. If the job has been defined as a Cron job, the frequency is defined as a Cron expression to schedule the job. By default, the job runs every 10 seconds: 0/10 * * * * ?.
  • Repeat Count for Simple Trigger Jobs: Defines whether a job of type Simple Job runs permanently or only once:
    • -1: If the run interval is -1, the job is started automatically and runs permanently. For example, the job MessageImportFromEXS is of type Simple Job. The job is started automatically and runs permanently in contrast to a Cron job.
    • Greater than -1: If the run interval is greater than -1, the job can only be started manually and run once.
  • Job User: Defines the user of the Release Management area that is used to run the TextMessageConsumptionProcessor job. By default, the user is SRMSystemUser.
  • Number of Records to Fetch: Defines the number of records a job instance processes before it stops running. This option can improve the scalability of multiple instances of a job running in a cloud environment and the load balancing. With the default setting "0", a job instance continues to run until all records are processed.


You can implement this code list for items that are used in assigning release order requirements to contract lines based on the effective dates of the items and associated internal items. You must activate this new code list to enable the requirement date functionality at the accounting entity (company) level and location level. Select the Active check box to enable phase out item effective dates to be applied to all items at the accounting entity level.


This code list is for ship to locations that are used in Just-In-Time and other business processes. Different items are shipped to the same plant respectively ship to location in this scenario. Thus, Transformation Services cannot retrieve different ship to IDs from the incoming EDI messages. Different ship to IDs enable Release Management and Shipping to differentiate between Just-In-Time and other business processes. This is required, for example, to support the BMW JIT KANBAN process.

The code list PlanAdditionalContractSearch includes the additional ship to information. This information enables the Release Management area to retrieve the corresponding contract lines. To support different trading partners that are linked to different ship to IDs, Release Management uses this method to search for a matching contract:

  1. Release Management uses these search criteria to search for a contract: customer, ship to, customer item number, customer order number, and effective date.
  2. If a matching contract line cannot be determined, Release Management searches the code list PlanAdditionalContractSearch for an additional ship to ID. Release Management uses the ship to ID from the BOD that is published by Transformation Services.
  3. If the ship to ID is in the code list, the additional ship to ID is retrieved from it.
  4. Release Management uses these search criteria to search a second time for a matching contract: customer, additional ship to ID from the code list, customer item number, customer order number, and effective date.
  5. If a contract line cannot be identified, an unprocessed plan is created in the Release Management area. The unprocessed plan includes the additional ship to ID from the code list.

If more than two different logistic business processes for one ship to must be supported, the code list PlanAdditionalContractSearch can be enhanced:

  • Name: Defines the ship to ID used to evaluate a contract line based on the incoming EDI messages.
  • Accounting Entity: Specifies the accounting entity for which the additional ship to ID is used. If left empty, the additional ship to is valid for all accounting entities in the tenant to which you are logged on to.
  • Short Description: Specifies a short description of the additional ship to and the business process for which it is used. The short description can consist of a maximum of 512 characters.
  • Description: Specifies a description of the additional ship to.
  • Effective from Date: Specifies the start date of the additional ship to.
  • Effective to Date: Specifies the end date of the additional ship to.
  • Additional Ship To: Specifies the additional ship to that is used for the special business process.


You can use this code list to activate a test mode of the Release Management area. In test mode, CUMs are balanced before you go live with the new system. You can import release orders in the new system and work in parallel with the legacy system. It is not required to import shipments from the ERP system (shipped CUM = received CUM). You can define the test mode on accounting entity level.

By default, the test mode is deactivated.


The Name field defines a customer item number that is filtered by the plan import. Used for importing PlanningSchedules, ShipmentSchedules, and SequenceSchedules that are filtered by customer items. You can specify up to three combinations of customer and accounting entity for one customer item number.


This code list has a default property with the setting Disable auto reprocessing of Failed and Blocked Plans. If this check box is enabled on the Code List Properties list, the logic prevents any attempt to automatically reprocess any of the failed and blocked plans in Release Management


Standard behavior of Release Management is to stop a Sequential Impulse message without a corresponding Sequential Forecast message. These schedules are shown as unprocessed plans with the exception status Failed on the Manage Unprocessed Plans page.

To process a Sequential Impulse message without a corresponding Sequential Forecast message, this code list has been introduced.

By default, the parameter is deactivated. The Sequential Impulse message is shown as unprocessed plan with the exception status Failed on the Manage Unprocessed Plans page. If the parameter is activated, the Sequential Impulse message is processed without errors.


A Sequential Impulse message normally contains information about one vehicle. When Release Management publishes the SequenceSchedule BOD, all sequenced requirements are published independent of whether they are changed or not. To reduce the number of lines in the SequenceSchedule BOD to be published, Release Management can be configured in a way that only changed requirements are published.

You can use this code list to specify customers, for which the net changes are published.

During plan adjustment, the field Purpose Code is set on requirement level. Supported values are Insert, Update, and Delete. If the Net Change functionality is activated, the Purpose Code is published for requirements of type "Sequential Impulse" per reference RequirementPurposeCode.

In addition, the entire SequenceSchedule is marked as being a NetChange schedule.

If the Net Change functionality is not activated, all requirements are published.


After importing shipments or inventory consumption that have an effect on the shipped CUM, the combined plan and a referenced single plan are updated. The requirements are reduced by the shipped quantity and a new plan revision is created. To reduce the data to be processed in sequencing processes, deactivate the creation of new plan revisions after importing shipments with this code list.

By default, the parameter is activated.


If this code entry is activated, partially sequenced plans are automatically re-validated and sequential call-offs are processed.


You can specify a delay, to avoid the revalidation of partially sequenced pending plans on the Manage Unprocessed Plans page in Release Management when these plans are processed. The default value is 10 minutes delay.


Release Management publishes all BODs according to the BOD separation rule after importing a new schedule. If you import a PlanningSchedule, you do not require to publish a SequenceSchedule.

This code list has been introduced to suppress the publishing of a SequenceSchedule after importing a PlanningSchedule for a customer and accounting entity.

By default, the parameter is deactivated. The SequenceSchedule is published. If the parameter is activated, the publishing of a SequenceSchedule is suppressed when a PlanningSchedule is imported.


Release Management publishes all BODs according to the BOD separation rule after importing a new schedule. If you import a SequenceSchedule, you do not require to publish a PlanningSchedule.

This code list has been introduced to suppress the publishing of a PlanningSchedule after importing a SequenceSchedule.

By default, the parameter is deactivated. The PlanningSchedule is published. If the parameter is activated, the publishing of a PlanningSchedule is suppressed when a SequenceSchedule is imported.


If this code list is activated, Release Management checks the referenced requirements from the combined plan. If the 1. Reference Number of an incoming shipment has already been used as key for a shipped requirement, the requirement is filtered out.


You can use this code list to publish plans after importing the shipments. For inventory consumption, the publishing is only active if the Update Shipped Quantity by Inventory Consumption check box in the CUM Adjustment Rules is selected. You should only configure this code list if no shipments are imported for an LSP process.

  • Active: Activates the publishing of plans. The publishing is activated by default.
  • Publish Pick-Up Sheets: If you select this check box, a new plan revision is published after importing pick-up sheet shipments from the ERP system.