Reviewing the current status of CUMs

In the detail view of the View Plans page, you can review the up-to-date status of the current CUMs for the selected plan.

To review the up-to-date status of the current CUMs:

  1. Select Release Management > View Plans.
  2. Click the Drill down button of an active plan.
  3. Click View CUMs.
    In the upper-part of the CUMs dialog box, the most important CUM fields of the current plan are shown. Here you can always view the up-to-date status of the current shipped CUM, the current received CUM, and the in-transit quantity. These fields represent the latest CUM status of current plans even in the case of historic plans.
  4. Review this information:
    Total Received CUM
    The total cumulative quantity of goods that is received and confirmed by the customer. The total cumulative received quantity is based on the contract duration, for example, several years.
    Current Received CUM
    The current cumulative quantity of goods that is received and confirmed by the customer. The current received cumulative quantity is based on the last CUM reset date.
    Total Shipped CUM
    The total shipped cumulative quantity of goods that is sent by the supplier. The total shipped cumulative quantity is based on the contract duration, for example, several years.
    Current Shipped CUM
    The current shipped cumulative quantity of goods that is sent by the supplier. The current shipped cumulative quantity is based on the last CUM reset date.
    Last Received Date
    The date of the last goods receipt by the customer.
    Last Received Quantity
    The quantity of the last goods receipt by the customer.
    Last Packing Slip Number
    The last packing slip number that is confirmed by the customer.
    Last Shipment Date
    The date of the shipment that is confirmed by the customer.
    Last Shipment Quantity
    The quantity of the last packing slip that is confirmed by the customer.
    In-Transit Quantity
    The calculated in-transit quantity.
    CUM Difference
    The CUM difference that occurs in the period between the MRP run and the sending of a new release order. In this period further goods receipts that are booked by the customer are not reflected in his current requirement situation. In consequence, the CUM difference must be subtracted from the effective requirements to prevent these quantities from being shipped again to the customer. The last confirmed packing slip represents the last quantity of goods that is received by the customer. The current received CUM is the cumulated quantity of goods that is received by the customer at the time the release order is sent. For example:
    Last release order on December 31, 2016
    Requirement date Requirement quantity
    Jan 1, 2016 80
    Jan 2, 2016 90
    Jan 3, 2016 100
    Jan 4, 2016 110
    Jan 5, 2016 120

    The first three positions with quantities of 80, 90, and 100 are shipped to the customer. The current shipped CUM = 80 + 90 + 100 = 270.

    The MRP run of the customer is performed on January 2, 2016.

    Next release order on January 3, 2017
    Requirement date Requirement quantity
    Jan 2, 2017 90
    Jan 3, 2017 100
    Jan 4, 2017 110
    Jan 5, 2017 120

    The first two requirement quantities of 80 and 90 are received by the customer. The MRP run took place before the goods receipt of the second position with a requirement quantity of 90. Therefore, the second position is sent to the supplier with a CUM difference of 90 and a current received cumulative quantity of 170 = 80 + 90.

    The resulting in-transit quantity is 100 = 270 - 170. The in-transit quantity of 100 and the CUM difference of 90 are subtracted from the effective requirements to prevent these positions from being shipped again.

    CUM Reset Date
    The reset date of the cumulative quantities.
    CUM on Reset Date
    The total cumulative quantity on the CUM reset date.
    Note: When you manually change plans, you can reset the relative CUM numbers of the customer's plans and adjust the cumulative quantities.